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News for 2013’s Fun Camp Canada!

Welcome Friends, Clowns, Magicians, Balloon Twisters, Facepainters, Childrens’ Ministry Workers, Family Entertainers, Storytellers and Family to the new blog of Fun Camp Canada! We’re so excited to be able to blog this year’s information so that you can ‘follow’ the blog and keep up to date with all the latest in Camp Information!
To begin with, many of you have been inquiring about a few basics for Fun Camp this year…. Here are a few of your answers…
Camp is May 23 – 26, 2013(Thursday noon to Sunday noon). Keep checking the “Schedule” page of this blog for the latest updates to exactly what’s going on at camp this year.
The location is again at the Ambrose University College where we are able to learn together, eat together, camp out together in the dorms, renew old friendships and create new ones.

Don is also a 2-time National Unicycle Champion, is regularly brought in as a Convention Entertainer, and because of the quality and uniqueness of his one-man shows, he regularly receives standing ovations and high acclaim for his work.
We will also be having many other great instructors so keep watching this blog for more updates…
For those of you who just can’t wait to register, you can go to the “Register” page here on the website and use the new form.
Please note there are some changes in the prices though… This year’s prices are as follows:
Please note that food tickets and T-Shirts must be pre-purchased as they are not available for sale at the conference. T-Shirts must be ordered by May 1 and Food Tickets must be ordered no later than May 15 so that we can let the caterers know how much food they will need to have for us.

We want to add a Jr. Joey Program.
Fun Camp 2013 Dates

Dates for Fun Camp 2013 are now set and we are ready to start receiving your registrations! It’s going to be another fabulous year with fabulous instructors, great friends, terrific classes and of course, all the fun and excitement you’ve come to expect from Canada’s largest Family Entertainers’ Conference! Register now to let us know you’re planning to be part of the fun!