This Years Schedule – Download Here!
Plan to arrive for registration and check-in at noon on Thursday, May 23. Classes will be offered on Thursday afternoon that you will not want to miss. And of course, the Thursday night Social and BBQ is a great place to get reacquainted with old friends, make some new ones, have some crazy laughs and some good food together… (don’t forget to pre-purchase your BBQ ticket which is NOT included in your registration.) And if you don’t feel you can make it for the food, then for sure plan to be there for the fun afterwards — there’s no charge to come and play and laugh with us!
Friday and Saturday will be full of great classes and more food and fun! Saturday night of course, is always a Camp highlight with the Banquet and Headliner’s Show! And again, don’t forget to get extra tickets for your families and friends. (Your ticket for this is already included in your registration package!)

Camp ends (it must, you know…) with pack up and final farewells at noon on Sunday.